所有對Chinese New Year的疑問,都在《Reunion in Chinese New Year》團員囉!
The Legend of “Nian”年獸的故事:
A beast called “Nian” came to the village every Chinese New Year’s Eve and preyed poultry. The villagers suffered a lot, so they tried to find the weakness of “Nian”. They discovered that “Nian” was afraid of the color red, fire and crackling sounds. So people hung red peach planks,built bonfires, and made a lot of noise with sticks.Shocked and scared, “Nian” crept back to its cave.
Dust Sweeping掃塵:
Dust sweeping originated with the ancient ritual of epidemic elimination. It’s a kind of year-end cleaning to prepare for Chinese New Year. It can be done on the 12th lunar month,anytime between the 23rd and the New Year's Eve.
Paying Tribute to the Kitchen God祭灶神:
This custom is held on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month. Legend has it that on this day the Kitchen God will report to the Jade Emperor the good or bad deeds of a family, which results in either reward or punishment. So people would pay tribute to the Kitchen God in the hope that more good deeds could be reported to the Jade Emperor,who would bless them with a smooth and safe year ahead.
New Year Lucky Money壓歲錢:
During New Year, the elders give the youngers lucky money, which carries the hope of the elders for the children. In Chinese culture red symbolizes good luck, so the lucky money is wrapped in red paper, also nicknamed a "red envelope."
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